Being a freelancer in the creative world can be a dream for many. This is ideas for Freelancers to diversify income! Getting to do what you love, and being paid for it is the best kind of job to have. But being a freelancer brings with it some ups and downs. You are never guaranteed income and month to month what you earn can change. As the past year has shown, throw in an unexpected global pandemic into the mix, and you never know how much work you will have or if your income will take a hit. That is why being able to diversify what you do as a freelancer can really make a difference.
Having a diversified Income
Having diverse income streams can give you the chance to generate an income much more predictably, compared to wondering what you will have coming in next month. So what are some of the ways you can diversify what you do, to get a more regular income? Here are some ideas for freelancers, to help generate a regular income, other than client work. Welcome to Ideas for Freelancers to diversify income!
Sell Products
If you are a graphic designer or an artist, then you could use your talent and skill to create a range of items to sell. From printing t-shirts and other clothing, to designing notebooks or posters, you can use your skills to create something to sell on the side. You could also look to sell things like blog or website templates, as well as stock images, depending on what your creative freelancing skill is. Get creative, think about what people would want from you, and then you can go from there.
Digital Products
If you want to create things that are online, then it can be another option to add to your bow. There are a range of things that people will buy online to download right at home. These can range from recipe eBooks, to a worksheet guide, photography editing presets, photos, mockups, and other digital assets. So plenty to think about, as a way to get more of an income.
If you want to earn some extra money, but not having to do a whole lot, then aside from your freelance day job, you could look into something like trading. Whether it is Forex on a trading platform like MT4, to looking into stocks and shares, there are a range of things that you can do that can help with your finances. Of course, with anything like this, there are some risks. So unless you know your way around, it is best to start small.
Create Online Courses
If you are a freelancer because you not only love what you do, but you are good at what you do, then why can’t you teach others? Online courses are something that people are willing to pay money for, especially if they see that the course comes from someone who knows exactly what they are doing and has years of experience. They could be courses that people pay for and download, or courses that they sign up to and you teach via Zoom, for example. Get creative and diversify what you do.