Should your brand be on all social channels?

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I know it’s tempting to be on all social channels: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Youtube. But with everything here in life you have to be true to yourself: Do I have the time to manage and create quality content for them all? If you are a marketing manager of a big corporation this is often not an issue. Either you have more than one person helping you manage and create content for the different platforms or you have an agency as a partner that helps you get the job done.

Reality hits

But for many there is only one dedicated person (maybe you reading this) managing the social channels. So should you come up with a strategy where you include all of them? If your only job is to create social media then yes, consider it and see if you can make it happen.

But often our position is a bit more than just social media. We manage and update the website, we have meetings (lots of them), we manage influencers, updating the company blog. Above all that we manage Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Pinterest. As you know our time is limited.

Don’t do it sloppy

You don’t want to do a bad job and your boss probably feels the same. So you need to figure out what social channels are most important for your brand (meaning where are your potential clients?).

Managing Facebook and Instagram for example, is something that works for the most of us on a day-to-day basis. Depending on what kind of content and how often you post, you can squeeze in another platform. But if you aren’t a project managing genius this is the limit on what you can do without a significant loss of quality.

See to your self in the feed

You are scrolling through your feed and how many posts do you ignore (or just make you feel ugh…) due to bad quality in craftsmanship? You can see when a post is made in a rush due to lack of time. Sloppy copywriting, bad images and no real thought behind it, just a post for the sake of posting on the platform. This is now how you work with the algorithms or any social media.

This hurts your brands image in the end. Quality ALWAYS beat quantity. Today you can’t afford putting out bad content. It costs more in ads, no one will give you engagement and it just looks bad with a bad vibe. Focus on the channels that gives the most ROI for your brand and do it good.


·        Time manage – how many channels can you handle?

·        Quality ALWAYS win over quantity

·        Don’t be sloppy just for the sake of posting

·        Work with the algorithms

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