Get your hands dirty and grow your social media

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Do you feel you are standing still in your social growth? That your engagement isn’t what you want it to be? If you were true to your self, how much do you engage with your community? Get your hands dirty and grow your social media!

Engagement is the foundation of social media, being social (I know, I said it before) and actually talk to other people and being part of the conversation is a must. If you don’t get your word out there and just post things in your feed and wait for your fans to strike up a conversation you will hardly get anywhere.

The three-way intersection

Here at Fashion Stories we believe in engagement. By that I don’t mean the positive numbers in how many likes, shares and comments your content get  (we do like that as well though…). We believe in creating a thriving community by talking and sharing knowledge with others. This is where it gets exiting! When you start to engage with your fans or under certain hashtags that you use, you become a voice and some one to listen to and not just some one who post something on a wall somewhere and hope that people show up.

Your talk is echoing

This is how you build your audience, I promise you!  Start by talking to your fans in their feeds and posts. Encourage them in your mutual interest and how great they are, give them ideas and show how you solved a problem that they might have. When you get that going your engagement from your fans will rise due to your engagement in them. This is how a stronger bond is built.

A face-to-face conversation with a hashtag

Now when you have a good conversation with your existing fans going it’s time to get your voice heard even more and get that buzz going.  What hashtags are you posting under and what topics are you interested in? Go in and search these hashtags and do the same thing you do to your fans; talk, engage and share.

Now you start to talk to other people that haven’t discovered how awesome your brand is yet. Others people who follow them and engage on their posts will find you and see that you are the real deal, talking about fashion, communication and other things that is important to them and you! That is how you start building your own community and growing your social channels. Be social, give value and keep do great content!


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